The PEGASE project was a FP7 funded flagship project aimed at furnishing GSA with expert knowledge offering on-request advice and guidance in potentially all the fields related to Galileo and EGNOS. It had a duration of 2 years with a contribution of GSA of 1,5 Mio EUR. NEREUS’ role within this project was to give policy recommendations on behalf of European regions.
Due to the high potential of the GNSS market, more and more actors across the European Union had decided to launch proactive economic development policies in the field of GNSS. 56 Regions in 21 European countries were referenced as being actively involved in supporting GNSS activities. However to fully take advantage of the opportunities the GNSS-market offeres, Europe needs a set of activities at different levels.
The GNSS Regional Advisory Board (GRAD) was set up to contribute to developing guidelines which placed expert advice at the hands of the GSA with the aim to better exploit the potential of GNSS within Europe. The GRAD, chaired by NEREUS-president Alain Bénéteau, brought together 6 representatives from the networks identified by PEGASE as major actors in national, regional and local initiatives, amongst which NEREUS, ENCADRE and ESINET.
The final meeting of the GNSS Regional Advisory Board was held on XXX29 September 2010XXX. Please visit the page to download the final policy recommendations by GRAD as well as the participants’ presentations.